useless weapons

The exhitibion "The Bruno Mathsson prize, 40 years" will be on show at the Vandalorum Museum in Värnamo, Sweden from October 26th to April 27th. It will showcase one work from each who has received the award over the years.
Instead of showing an earlier work, the contribution from here is freshly made and utterly useless.
Because these are difficult times.
whilst the field of design is doing what it can to change direction away from heavy industry towards far more considerate ways of production, one area of hard line production is pressing on the accellerator. The demand for weapons is high.
Having been part of the industrial design supply chain for decades, these are challenging times careerwise, too. What to do? For whom, for which reasons and making use of what?
The world says it needs weapons. Designers usually strive towards giving the world what it needs, but this order is over my top.
My contribution to this design exhibition is a humble counter-balancer to Denmarks arms contribution to the war in Ukraine. This year including 19 F 16 fighter jets. Possibly very necessary, but definitely extremely damaging on all levels. On the day this action was announced my hands began the slow process of making a formation of 19 altogether differently harmless sets of fluttering arms. Mirroring patches of attempts at maintaining ordinary day to day direction. Holding their breath, frozen in time. Assembled from paper and silk, superfragile, but airborn and ready on time for export to Sweden.
Images to come