Louise Campbell's work is playful and experimental, and is reputed for gently twisting not only everyday objects and situations, but also materials and manufacturing processes in new directions. The client list is long and varied, including companies such as Louis Poulsen, Zanotta, Hermés, Royal Copenhagen, HAY, Holmegaard, Muuto, Duba B8, Georg Jensen, Baccarat, The Danish Ministry of Culture, IMM Cologne and on altogether differently non-commercial notes Munkeruphus, Kofoeds Skole, Kunstforeningen Gl. Strand.
Everything is possible until the opposite has been proven.
Priorities when establishing collaborations, be they commercial or art-based, are not bound to product type, but to level of creative challenge and freedom, and to potential quality of final result. The closer relationships offered to craftsmen in workshops or on factory floors, the greater the interest. Completing projects with own hands, free of commercial interests, is also regularly fitted in to the work-schedule.
Louise Campbell also spends time on behind the scenes activities. She has been on the board of several design organizations, on the advisory board of both Denmark’s Design School and the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, and took a three-year turn as chairman of the committee for Design and Crafts at the Danish Arts Foundation from 2008-2010. Louise has curated and designed a number of exhibitions, where the preferred subject is presentation of contemporary crafts, and has been among the driving forces of numerous initiatives aiming at improving the design and crafts environment in Denmark.
- Collections
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- MOMA, the Museum of Modern Art, New York
- Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, New York
- The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal
- The Design Museum, Habitare Collection, Helsinki
- Die Neue Samlung, München
- Philadelphia Museum of Art
- Dallas Museum Of Art
- Musée National D’Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou, Paris
- Trapholt Museum of Design, Kolding
- Museum of Applied Arts, Copenhagen
- Awards
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- 2019
Knud W Engelhardts Mindelegat - 2016
The Danish Arts Foundation's lifetime honorary award
Statens Kunstfonds hædersydelse - 2014
HH Bruun's endowment for the promotion of artGuest of honour at IMM Cologne Furniture Fair - 2011
Martha & Paul Rene Gauguins foundation´s artist´s award - 2009
Prince Eugen Medal, Sweden - 2007
Thorvald Bindesbøll Medal
The Good Design Award from the Chicago Athenaeum
Bruno Mathsson Award, Sweden - 2004
The Finn Juhl Architectural Award - 2002
The state Arts Council three year work grant
Erik Herløws Award