
For waiting rooms. An attempt towards distraction. Upon sitting down, a sound system is activated in the headrest of the chair. Each chair has its own recording. One falls in love with you, begging you to never leave it. One teaches you an effective Spanish lesson. One sings gently into your ears. One hates you for sitting down without first asking for permission, and lets its anger pour over you for as long as you stay seated.
Originally designed for solo exhibition titled ‘Waiting Rooms’.
- Year: 2002
- Manufacturer: Erik Jørgensens Møbelfabrik
- Owned by: Trapholt museum of Art and Design
- Materials: Upholstered wooden frame, sensor and sound system
- Measurements: Width:90. Height: 110cm. Depth: 110cm.
- Photo: Erik Brahl
- One-off